About us
The Vertendre daycare can accommodate 15 children aged 3 months to less than 18 months and 65 children aged 18 months to the age of school attendance. The majority of the service is full-time with some part-time space. It is located at 1185 Ch. Tremblay suite 250, Longueuil, Quebec. The daycare is governed by the law and regulations on educational childcare services, The Vertendre daycare has a general liability insurance policy of $2,000,000.00. At the Vertendre Daycare Centre, every child is welcomed into a warm environment or values such as respect, autonomy, self-confidence, sense of belonging and enjoyment are conveyed.
Spacious and safe spaces allow him to have fun in a group but also to retire if he feels the need. The child is guaranteed to find educational material varied, accessible, attractive and adapted to his needs in order to ensure adequate stimulation of each sphere of his development.
The activities are varied, planned according to his interests and needs and during which he has a great freedom of personal expression. The interventions of the educational staff are constant, consistent and democratic allowing them to learn to live in society, to esteem themselves and to resolve their conflicts properly. A relationship of trust is established between parents and staff, and this relationship is based on daily communication, thus ensuring adequate follow-up of its progress. Healthy, balanced menus, based on Canada’s food guide, allow her to taste new foods.
Finally, it evolves thanks to a qualified and competent team, whose sole objectives are health, safety, well-being, global development and above all happiness!